123, landmark address

Kevin Andrighetto August 22, 2020

Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly
at home on August 22, 2020
Aged 64 years
Loved and loving son of Ugo and Pat (dec.).
Cherished brother and brother-in-law to
Julie & John, Susan & Alan.
Adored uncle, godfather and friend of
Brendan & Dot, Aaron & Lauren, Dean & Camille, Caitlin & Liam, Joel & Candice, Ben, Lockie, Alyssa, Lilah, Miller, Leo,
Amelia, Stella, Jamie and Macie.
Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things

A Private Family burial will be held


  1. REPLY
    Andrea Waddell says

    RIP KJ
    A wonderful, kind, funny and caring Gentleman.
    I Will always remember my ‘radio days’ and treasure all the good times that we spent together.
    Andrea Waddell (Hodson) “Hoddy”

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      Laurie Atlas says

      You were a joy to be with and one of the finest gentleman I have ever known. RIP KJ

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      Rob Goodwin says

      I worked with Kevin briefly at Magic and even though I’m sure I was just a face in the crowd of sales people he was always polite and said hello and asked how I was doing. Very sad to hear of his passing, rest easy Kevin John
      Warm regard

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      Jessie Aiton says

      I was devastated to read of Kevin’s death. He was a wonderful person and friend. I can hear his voice now as I write this, like caramel and so calming. Kevin was always so wonderful to work with and produce. He was open to new ideas and learning, he had no ego about him. Just wanted to do a good job for everyone around him and his listeners – the best job possible. He provided comfort and companionship to so many lonely people. He also had a wonderful sense of humour and made me laugh all the time. Sending my best wishes to Kevin’s family, his death is a huge loss to the radio industry.

  2. REPLY
    Marie Smith says

    A beautiful caring and thoughtful gentleman, gone too soon. A wonderful mentor and friend to my son Robbie Smith. I will miss hearing your perfect radio voice. Thankyou for your kindness Kevin, and sincere condolences to your loving family. RIP
    Marie Smith

  3. REPLY
    Alan Pearsall says

    I was filled with grief when I heard Kevin had died. One of the nicest men on God’s earth. To Kevin’s family my deepest sympathy to you all. Alan.

  4. REPLY
    Craig WILLIS says

    A great bloke and an outstanding broadcaster…taken far too soon….farewell old friend .R.I.P

  5. REPLY
    Jenni says

    My lovely friend, mentor to my kids and an inspiration to all who knew him. Beyond that, Kevin was a wonderful man. Very special memories. Jenni Summers (Atkin)

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      Brian Field says

      A wonderful friend, taken to soon, condolences to the family, fly with the Angels Kev.

  6. REPLY
    Donna Demaio says

    Kevin was a kind, friendly , lovely man. He was always up for a chat when we crossed paths at work. His smile was wonderful. May he Rest In Peace. So sorry for your loss and sincere condolences to friends and family.

  7. REPLY
    Donna Demaio says

    Kevin was a lovely, kind, friendly man. He was always up for a chat when we saw each other at work. He had a wonderful smile. Sincere condolences and may he Rest In Peace.

  8. REPLY
    Agatha (Aggie) Stavrakis says

    Sending our deepest love and strength to the Andrighetto family during this sad time.

    Kev, you once wrote to me saying ‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched but are felt in the heart’. Truer words have never been spoken right now.

    Miss and love you.
    You will forever be in our heart.

    Agatha & George x

  9. REPLY
    Gary Turner says

    A great radio colleague who was a true gentlemen. Kevin was one of the best voices in radio. He will be sadly missed. Condolences to his family. Rest In Peace Kevin.
    Gary Turner

  10. REPLY
    rob grant says

    a gentle man and an inspiration.Vale KJ

  11. REPLY
    Rob Elliott says

    You always had a smile on your face, your laugh was infectious. You were well liked and respected, and will be sadly missed. RIP mate.

  12. REPLY
    Sarah Maree Cameron says

    The first time I met you, I was so excited to meet Kevin John from the radio. Someone who I had listened to and admired. Someone I’d heard so many kind things about and I hoped one day I’d be lucky enough to work with. The latter wasn’t to be but thanks to having mutual friends, I got to bump into you every now and then. Talking for hours, you sharing your wise words and thoughts on not just radio but many topics.

    My favourite memory is staying up til sunrise with a few other night owls because when we noticed it was 4:30am, you suggested that we all may as well wait up a bit longer. I’m glad we all did.

    I wish you were still here to watch another sunrise and share another story, KJ.

    Rest easy.

  13. REPLY
    Peter Morris says

    A gentle and lovely man who would always warmly greet you.
    One of the great guys of radio who not only did it well for many years but had the respect of everyone he worked with.
    Rest In Peace KJ

  14. REPLY
    Dani Torresan says

    Thank you Kevin for sharing your kindness and humour with us all. Working with you was a joy.
    Dani x

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      Ron Bourke says

      Kevin was a wonderful human being I’m so glad I knew him RIP Kevin Condolences to his family

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      Emma O'Callaghan says

      RIP Kev. You were a true gentleman that had a heart of gold. The warm memories of growing up with you living with Dad (late Peter O’Callaghan) were the best; I used to love you putting me high up on your shoulders and I’d be able to touch the ceiling! And your velvet voice, BEST sense of humour and your tightest hugs I can’t believe this. Completely devastated My biggest condolences to all KJ’s family, especially his lovely Dad, Ugo. RIP Kevin John. Another true gentleman of true Melbourne radio has passed xxx You and Dad are now back together mate.

  15. REPLY
    Peter van Hauen says

    To my special friend and Magic colleague thank you for being a part of my life I’m so fortunate one of the most beautiful people I have ever met
    I love you KJ

  16. REPLY
    Denis O’Kane says

    Always had a welcoming smile , looked you straight in the eyes , you knew he cared .A wonderful colleague to have at 3AW and Magic We will miss you Kevin . Rest my friend .

  17. REPLY
    Muriel Cooper says

    RIP Kevin, you will be sorely missed. Love and condolences to Kevin’s family and friends.

  18. REPLY
    Glenn says

    R.I.P my old friend. Been a long time since our 3UZ days.
    God always takes the good ones first. Warm regards. Glenn & Amy Holmes, Melbourne Vic.

  19. REPLY
    Ken Lane says

    I worked with Keven in Melbourne. He was a lovely guy. Greatly saddened by the news of his passing.

  20. REPLY
    Gary Hoffman says

    Kevin was a talented and dedicated radio professional; who became a vital cog in the wheel of Magic 1278. He was always enthusiastic, totally professional, and a joy to have as part of our team. On a personal level, he was always so incredibly supportive of what I was trying to achieve, which I appreciated enormously. We had a million laughs and many serious conversations too, both professionally and privately. The entire Magic 1278 team is so deeply saddened by KJ’s passing.

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      Jan Jacklin says

      A gentleman and a gentle man. Always.
      Gone too soon.

  21. REPLY
    milly says

    RIP Kevin youll be sadly missed xx love to your family also Milly + Ferg

  22. REPLY
    Greg Tingate says

    A kind and gentle man, generous with his time and ready attention whenever we met in the hallways or grounds at work.
    Thinking of his family and friends at this time, he will be missed by many.
    Kindest regards, Greg

  23. REPLY
    Nicole says

    A true gentleman who had I the privilege and honour to have spent time with at work and outside of it.
    We shared many moments, talking about big things and small. They were all valuable, and meaningful and always left me better than before.
    Rest easy.
    Nicole x

  24. REPLY
    Peter Stubbs says

    KJ , will be so missed by so many . A decent , kind man . RIP

  25. REPLY
    Steve dale says

    Rest In Peace mate , you were an inspiration in our industry and will be sorely missed .

  26. REPLY
    Stephanie loan(o callaghan) says

    Together with peter ,doing a fair bit of stirring .i will always remember your gentleness and kindness. RI.P kev.

  27. REPLY
    Joanne West says

    Such a kind, caring gentleman. Condolences to the family x

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      Gavin Wood says

      Kevin we shared a couple of milestones over the radio journey. It was my pleasure knowing you. Now your are on another journey. Travel well and fly high. You touched so many people. You will be missed. Condolences to your family.❤️❤️

  28. REPLY
    Darren "Boomer" Varley says

    KJ you were a gentleman, funny and kind. Your professionalism is something I admired. The time we spent working together were some of the best times, not to mentioned the laughs in the production room. Rest in peace my friend.

  29. REPLY
    Darren 'Boomer' Varley says

    KJ you were a gentleman, funny and kind. The times working together with you were some of the best moments in my working life. It was such a pleasure knowing you, not to mention the laughs in the production rooms. Rest in peace my friend.

  30. REPLY
    Mike Perso says

    You know I can only remember Kevin ever being kind. I can also remember him, in company with POCO, sitting around that flat in Carlton listening to old tapes of vintage Graham Kennedy radio shows, nights at Salona and so much laughter….a lovely man.

  31. REPLY
    Séamus Haugh says

    A great mentor and broadcaster, naturally talented, considerate and loved a laugh. Deepest sympathy to family and friends.

  32. REPLY
    Troy Hazard says

    Just a wonderful human being. A joker, a prankster, a friend for life, and an amazing broadcaster. In the 30+ years I knew him every time I saw him I’d look forward to the KJ grin and wit. Our thoughts are with the family. He made the world a better place, simply by allowing us to share his.

  33. REPLY
    Craig Huggins says

    A funny, kind gentleman, and a wonderful broadcaster. I smile when I think about KJ and always will. His headphones may be off, but I’ll always remember his friendly voice and happy smile – Huggy

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      Emma O'Callaghan says

      RIP Kev. You were a true gentleman that had a heart of gold. The memories of growing up with you living with Dad (late Peter O’Callaghan) were the best; I used to love you putting me high up on your shoulders and I’d be able to touch the ceiling! And your velvet voice, BEST sense of humour and your tightest hugs I can’t believe this. Completely devastated My biggest condolences to all KJ’s family, especially his lovely Dad, Ugo. RIP Kevin John. Another true gentleman of true Melbourne radio has passed xxx You and Dad are now back together mate.

  34. REPLY
    Marg McNally (DeBono) says

    I’m wholly tempted to lay claim to Kevin as ‘my’ dear friend, but that would be futile. Because Kevin was the dearest of friends to so many. Such was the nature of the man. He loved purely and fully the people around him and made them feel they were the most special person in the world to him. And he’d mean it. He was authentic. Kevin was a giant of kindness, love, humanity. A great ponderer of life, reflective. He cherished the very breath that enabled us to inhale and exhale the thrum of life. Kevin seized the moments with a knowing that each one was precious, fleeting. He loved sunshine, coffee, the rattle and ding of a Melbourne tram, the high note in Gloria Estefan’s ‘Here we Are’. A lover of words and wit, he was a master of both. Yes, his radio voice was a boomer, but it was always more about the considered way in which Kevin spoke. You would hang on his words, and then roll on the floor laughing along with his hearty, dirty laugh. He was the consummate professional. Creative, principled, measured and as silly as a wheel. Charismatic and enigmatic. Our deep friendship spanned more than three decades. I grew up and older with Kev. Kevin, what a privilege to have shared the road with you for a while. Thanks for the laughs, the tears, the deep and meaningfuls, the dizzy days of dancing, drinking (the odd doob), and the love. I adored you in this life and I will honour you into your next, for the rest of my days.

  35. REPLY
    Sue Lapetina says

    Nag Champa, cups of Dilmah, extra hot latte, Italian espresso, teddy bear biscuits, spending time with family & friends, his love of Melbourne & his home town, radio & music were some of Kev’s favourite things. I will miss your smile, laughter & hugs & most of all our phone chats,. I have many years of wonderful memories. The fun & great times shared. Bless you my dear friend. I miss you already. Rest in peace.

  36. REPLY
    Kerrie Rigby says

    Our thoughts are with you all. From the lymer family

  37. REPLY
    Mark Ridoutt says

    A wonderful friend. I will miss you every bit as much as I miss Bren and Poco. Too many mates gone before their time.

  38. REPLY
    Kerrie rigby says

    Ugo, Julie and John, Susan and Alan and families. We are so very sorry to hear of the passing of Kevin. He was truly a very humble person who would always go out of his way to say hello. You will miss him terribly. Dennis and Kerrie Rigby and Family

  39. REPLY
    Rhonda Johnson says

    Kevin, family holidays, camping, fishing and much more, these are the memories I treasure RIP
    Sending my love and sympathy to uncle Ugo, Julie, Susan and families xxx

  40. REPLY
    Lenore Gerloff says

    To Dear Ugo,Julie,Susan and families. Condolences at this terribly sad time. I was fortunate to have Kevin as a friend through primary and secondary school and an occasional catch up in adulthood. He was such a true and loyal friend and such a lovely human. Will be so missed and remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Our thoughts are with you. Love Lenore Tinkler and John Gerloff.

  41. REPLY
    Rhonda Johnson says

    Family, camping, fishing memories that last forever sending my love to uncle Ugo, Julie, Susan and families. RIP Kevin

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      David Oaten says

      Kevin, your radio days and friends with whom you worked and socialised tell the story of a kind and genuine, considerate man.
      On behalf of those who knew and worked with you in your 3KZ days, we thank you for being the man you were, a pleasure to know.
      To your family and friends, deepest sympathies to you all. Kevin was one of the best!

  42. REPLY
    Denise remilton says

    A very funny beautiful Warm man who l met and became friends with he was 20 And l was 22
    We had So many laughs over the years when we would all meet up at the chilvers in Bendigo . My children have Great memories Of you also . Sadly We lost contact over the years but l would often think of you and tell friends of the funny times Sandra and l had With you
    l remember Like it was yesterday Walking to work at Waltons and seeing you each day when you were spruiking out the front of foys you would always say something very funny over the microphone So l always turned up to work with a smile on my face.
    My thoughts and love are with Kevins family and RIP gorgeous man

  43. REPLY
    Gary McQuade says

    It was a massive shock to hear to you’d left us so soon Kevin, but we don’t have any say in that do we.
    A true professional radio man who was always so calm and friendly. It was a privilege to have worked with you at several stations where our paths crossed. we’ll miss you greatly Kev

  44. REPLY
    Chris Miller says

    Kev was a wonderful guy. He was funny, generous and smart – I was lucky enough to call him my friend. I’ll miss him terribly

  45. REPLY
    Karen Craven (Lenaghan) says

    Ah Kev… you were one of the best! Working alongside you for all those years was one thing, but the fun & friendship we had outside of work will be what I will remember most. Some of the best times of my life were shared with you. We haven’t seen as much of each other over recent years, but the love was always there. We would pick up like it was yesterday. You were always there with the right words at the right time. You will be so dearly missed my friend. My love goes out to your family, who you spoke of often & loved dearly X

  46. REPLY
    Jeanette freeman says

    Julie, so sorry to hear of your brothers passing. The shock, pain and sorrow you feel just now will dim as your happy memories grow stronger. My thoughts are with you, Susan and your families.

  47. REPLY
    Elizabeth O'Callaghan says

    Beautiful man, beautiful voice. You always warmed the room with your presence and made people feel special. I always laugh when I recall the fun living with you and my Uncle ‘Poco’ O’Callaghan for a short time in the 90’s…even though I couldn’t get a word in with you two radio guys! When I got in the car yesterday and read your Death notice I said “…Talk to me Kev”, I turned on the radio and the song playing was Eurythmics “Must be talking to an Angel”. I’m sure a few Angels are celebrating…Love you ‘Lib’, Elizabeth O’Callaghan

  48. REPLY
    Luca Gonano says

    Kevin, you will be missed. I’ll always remember with great fondness our chats in the office. Such a lovely, lovely man. My thoughts are with all of your family and friends. Rest in peace.

  49. REPLY
    Jane Holmes says

    Beloved friend and irreplaceable fellow radio adventurer. Gosh, it was fun. Thank you Kev for bringing sunshine, caring and laughs to every one of your multitude of friends and devoted listeners – and for making radio magic. My love always – and from Peter too – to dear Ugo, Julie and John, Susan and Alan and all of your family, who you treasured so deeply.

  50. REPLY
    Jane Holmes says

    Beloved friend and irreplaceable fellow radio adventurer. Thank you Kev for bringing sunshine, caring and laughs to every one of your multitude of friends and devoted listeners – and for making radio magic. My love always – and from Peter too – to dear Ugo, Julie and John, Susan and Alan and all of your family, who you treasured so deeply.

  51. REPLY
    Bernadette Bensley says

    My dearest Kev. My heart broke when I heard the news and I just couldn’t believe it. I haven’t seen you for a couple of years but each time we caught up with the ‘gang’ it was like we had seen each other yesterday. I will miss your laugh, your kindness, your sense of fun and your fantastic smell!

  52. REPLY
    Ken Francis says

    Kevin we are all so shocked you are gone. I just loved being with you at Magic/3AW. I knew the “voice” from the radio but am so thankful I got to know and spend time with “the man”. You are everything that people have said about you. A thoroughly decent and caring gentleman. You made everyone around you feel special. I will miss just sitting and chatting endlessly about radio with you. I loved it….I was hoping we’d do it again. Travel safely my friend. My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.

  53. REPLY
    Joan Peters says

    Our dear lovely friend of 52 years, how blessed we were to have you as a friend.
    We were shattered when we heard the sad news, but so pleased we have caught up with you recently.
    I am honoured to conduct your service and we will never forget you. Raymond and Joan Peters

  54. REPLY
    Marianne Harding says

    Dear Ugo, Julie and John, Susan and Alan and family,
    You are all in my thoughts in a big way. How lucky the family were to have such a very very special “Kevin” in their lives! The rest of us were blessed to have a piece of Kevin in our lives. Taken away from us all, but not taken are our beautiful and happy memories that will be with us always.
    Lots of love
    Marianne Storti

  55. REPLY
    Toni Pipicelli says

    Thank you Kev for your friendship, your advice, and for always making time. You would light up a room and make people smile. It was a joy working with you. Much love to your family who you loved so so much. Gone way too soon. Love Toni Pip

  56. REPLY
    Sue Ridoutt says

    So Sad. So shocked. A true gentleman, my deepest sympathies to Kevin’s family. RIP KJ you will be so sadly missed by everyone xx

  57. REPLY
    Tim Tobin says

    My Good mate Kev, I don’t even know where to begin? Your friendship to me over the radio days was priceless and even more so in my private life! Asling street, Salona’s, Portofino and the Queensbridge just to mention a few of the places we shared a bevvy or Ten! You introduced and showed me many things along the way of which I will be forever grateful, Pachelbel’s Canon in D will never sound the same. My love goes out to your family. You were a good man Kev! Love Tim & Jac

  58. REPLY
    Francine Duncanson says


    You are a huge part of my radio memories Always with a smile on your face and a wonderful story to tell

    Your gatherings at Asling Street are apart of the most funny, hospitable and crazy times They never fail to make me smile

    You were such a pro on air and behind the scenes So much energy and positivity!

    Thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given me and for all your advice and laughs

    Gone way too soon Rest In Peace KJ


  59. REPLY
    Bev Main says

    Deepest sympathy to Ugo, Julie & John, Susan & Alan and their families. My heart breaks for you. Kevin was a lovely man who cared so very much for his family. A true gentleman who wore an infectious smile always. Thoughts and love go out to you all. Memories of the old Post Office Days as kids with our beautiful mum’s and Saturday night teas and sitting on the roof top. Bev & Greg Main, David and Ruth Brook and families.

  60. REPLY
    Tracy Matthews says

    A kind, funny, caring man I had the pleasure to work with for a few short joyous years. Go gently Kevin. Sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  61. REPLY
    Moya O'Shea says

    Kevin John and I met at Radio 3KZ where we were both part of the ‘on air’ team and have been pals ever since. Time spent in his company was always a joy filled with what I called ‘Kevin moments’ when he would tell you a story of great poignancy or ask you to just stop, look around and revel in the present.

    Memories of KZ, Riviera Radio, a crazy evening making 400 Tequila sunrises in London (truly!), Mrs B., PO’C, Melbourne walking tours, that ‘abracadabra’ concert at the Melbourne Show, lunches in Lygon…

    Your wonderful voice, dear Kevin, will forever be ‘the music in my head’ and your friendship fabulous but not nearly long enough.

    My love and condolences at this saddest of times to your wonderful family, of whom you spoke with such affection.

  62. REPLY
    Mitch Michelle Morris says


    You were the epitome of what it means to be a true friend, and that is the reason why time and distance always disappeared when we caught up. I have so many special memories of the many times we shared, but foremost are the ones we shared overseas. Backpacking adventures that led us far and wide. I will forever smile whenever I recall any of them, and my travel diary that the three of us penned entries into has now become even more of a treasure.

    Your kindness, vivaciousness and infectious distinctive laugh will be greatly missed by so many.
    Saluti a te amico mio.

    Deepest sympathies to Ugo, July and John, Susan and Alan and families who you loved so deeply.

  63. REPLY
    Lynn Dare says

    Even at school he was such a kind and compassionate person. The world was priviledged to enjoy his light, his smile so welcoming.

    Mr Andrighetto, Julie, Susan and families amidst all the sadness may your memories continue to shine his light.

  64. REPLY
    Kate Economou says

    What a hole has been left behind from you leaving us. You were always so warm and kind and generous. I had some of the best times working with you and enjoying the odd drink or two or more out of work with you and the TTFM gang . There was something so special about you that made a person want to spend as much time as possible with you. You taught me so much and I will cherish my memories of you.

  65. REPLY
    Bernie Brittain says

    What a lovely welcoming and caring individual you were KJ.
    We met at 3UZ in 1986 and you treated a new young disc jockey like a real mate from the outset.
    My memories of you are always full of good times and lots of laughs.
    Taken way too early from us I hope you are at peace.
    Much love and sympathies to your wonderful family.

  66. REPLY
    Jeff Thomas says

    Rest in peace brother x

  67. REPLY
    Mary McGowan says

    In loving memory of Kevin
    You were one very unique individual who made everyone feel so special. I was so sad and devastated to hear of your untimely death. Sincere sympathy to you dad, sisters, extended family and friends
    “Sweet Holy” Paris 1991 – who’ll ever forget it!! Thanks for the memories
    With love and sympathy. Mary Mc

  68. REPLY
    Simon Chilver says

    All my love, sympathy and my deepest, most heartfelt condolences to you all; uncle Ugo, Susan, Julie, Alan, John and your families.
    He was so much to so many, a beautiful man with a beautiful soul.
    The best person I ever knew. I will cherish the memories always. Xxx

  69. REPLY
    Franca and David Mountford (Andrighetto) says

    Our deepest sympathy and so sorry for your great loss ,to Uncle Ugo Julie and Susan and families, I have wonderful memories of our childhood growing up in Wonthaggi. A great cousin, funny thoughtful and friendly. Still in shock .

  70. REPLY
    Nicky Buckley says

    I have the fondest memories of my time working with Kevin at TTFM. I wasnt a morning person then, and still am not a morning person now but he made my stint on breakfast radio a joy to attend work every morning, even when I was secretly suffering morning sickness with my first child. I was so very shocked and saddened to hear of his passing. my deepest sympathies and condolences to the family. he will be missed.

  71. REPLY
    Darryl Ferber says

    I was completely stunned – lost for words. A sad silence fell the day this beautiful, kind man left us. If there was ever the pleasure to be a friend with and to have known someone, it was with this man. There are so many wonderful things to be said about you, but we will be forever lost for words. Rest easy Kevin our friend.

  72. REPLY
    Steve price says

    ‘If you could leave this world better than you found it’ I see those and so many more words he sent to me, every day, my world has been blessed by knowing and loving Kevin. I’m shattered but every time I selfishly think of my loss , I think of Ugo and the family he loved so much , to all our thoughts prayers and love. Actually I’d like to thank the family for giving us Kev , the most wonderful friend one could have, with me always , with us always, this crazy world needs kevy. I simply wish I was not writing this , and I could ring him hear his wisdom , his laugh and wondrous stories.
    Thinking of Ugo and family

  73. REPLY
    Joyce Asa Leausa (Pugh) says

    Kevin, a man so kind, so calm and gentle, with a beautiful, deep melodious voice that became his trademark. It was my pleasure to have known Kevin in my High School years – a welcome member of our group. Later, several of my sons got to know him as ‘Uncle Kev’, through their friendships with his nephews, who he adored. It made Wonthaggi feel like home when we occasionally bumped into one another down the street and had a catch-up chat. Always a smile and kind, sincere words. The Leausa and Pugh families extend their condolences to Sue and Julie and their families at this very difficult time. Taken too young. So sad.

  74. REPLY
    Mark Petkovic says

    Kevin was a lovely caring person to grace this earth & will be missed immensely, I loved our chats about the radio world which was his love always – a gentleman, a radio professional & I’m proud to say a mate – rest in peace my friend .

  75. REPLY
    Mark and Kristen Beever says

    There’s a hole in our world that never seemed possible.

    Kevin was the one of the kindest and most sincere people we knew. He appreciated moments, making memories and just spending time together. “It’s great to be here”, “Look at this!” and “Beeyoootiful” are just a few of his frequent exclamations that are etched in memory.

    To our sons, for the past 15 years Kevin was the most significant adult in their lives outside of family. They adored him and always will.

    He made sure we knew he loved us, and we love him right back. We are eternally grateful for more than three decades of friendship. We will miss his hugs, his voice, and his company forever.

  76. REPLY
    Marnie Reid says

    Kevin, your personality lit up Magic and 3AW. You made everyone feel good about themselves. You helped so many in their careers, including me. This is such a huge loss. Devastated we won’t be working together anymore, and I won’t see your smiling face. Thanks for entertaining so many with your words.

    My love and condolences to your family. Xx

  77. REPLY
    Wayne Fox says

    Kevin was not only a good man or a great man.
    He was the best man on Earth.
    Full of Kindness,Joy and Love.
    I am so sad he has gone but eternally grateful I was able to share a part of my life with him
    and I am a better person because of it.

    My deepest condolences to the Andrighetto family.

    Rest in peace our wonderful friend.


  78. REPLY
    Paul Daniels says

    Remembering you very fondly on your Birthday.

  79. REPLY
    Richard Barnes says

    We only just learned of Kevin’s passing. He was a wonderful bloke and was with us at our wedding in 1988. Such a warm, caring person. In 1990, after he went back to Melbourne, he was working with the Red Cross and brought 12 kids with Leukaemia to Monaco. He said their dream was to meet Prince Albert, so we organised that. The kids met the prince at a special reception at Monaco Red Cross and had their dreams fulfilled. They were over the moon, and Albert really spent quality time with them. They had gone through hell but Kevin organised a little bit of heaven for them. Kevin, you have done a lot of good on earth. It is remembered. You are missed. For many people you were already an angel.

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