123, landmark address

Arnis Heislers January 30, 2023

Date of Funeral

January 30, 2023

Passed away peacefully on Jan. 18, 2023
surrounded by his family and friends.
Loved husband of Una (dec.).
Loving Dad of David, Chris, Simon, Jen
and their partners.
Adored Pa to his 11 grandchildren.
Dear friend of Jill.

A Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life of
Mr. Arnis Heislers was held at the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club,
15 Legge Way, Cape Paterson
on MONDAY (January 30, 2023) commencing at 1:00pm.
A Private family burial will precede this service.
The service was live-streamed, click on the link below to watch the service.

In lieu of flowers donations to https://www.leukaemia.org.au
would be appreciated.


  1. REPLY
    Garry ,Pat and Peter Scott says

    Our thoughts are with you at this sad time . Your father and mother were the ones who kept the extended Scott family in contact with each other . Arnis was a man of great integrity and was a person we are very proud to have known .

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      Chris says

      Hi Garry, Pat and Peter.
      Thank you so much for your thoughts. The Scott family was very dear to Dad’s heart and soul and it was so nice to see/hear from so many of you.
      Kindest regards,
      Chris, David, Jen and Simon x.

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        Chris says

        Oh BTW, the Scott family is equally important to us 🙂 and we want to always stay in contact.

  2. REPLY
    Barbara Robertson says

    Sincere sympathy to you all. Arnis was a wonderful human being, talented, loyal, good fun – the Wonthaggi & District Historical Society members were very proud to be his friends.

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      Chris says

      Thank you Barbara,
      Dad’s years with the society were really important to him.
      David, Simon, Jen, Chris and Jill.

  3. REPLY
    Helge Hornberg, Birte and Joe says

    We were surprised and saddened to hear about Arnis´ passing. He was a wonderful man and we enjoyed the few gatherings with him very much. His (and Una´s ) hospitality and passion about the Australian wildlife will stay with us forever. Wishing your family comfort and strength for the days and weeks ahead. Sincere sympathy from Gütersloh, Germany.

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      Chris says

      Thank you so much,
      Dad always cherished his links to family and friends in Europe, as do we all.
      Kind regards,
      Jen, Simon, Chris and David.

  4. REPLY
    Lynlee Smith says

    Arnis was a lovely man and a wonderful boss. I recall turning up to work one day with a really awful hangover (as you do when you are in your 20’s!) and met Arnis in the hallway. I was holding my head so he asked if I was ok. I said I was feeling unwell. He then said I should go home if I am sick, but I admitted that it was self-inflicted. He gave a wry smile, clearly understanding what I meant.
    I am so sorry I am unable to attend today’s service in person but will certainly be viewing the live stream. My sincerest condolences to the Heislers family and their loved ones.

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      Chris says

      Thanks you for your story and your thoughts Lynlee, and your previous message.
      Your presence on the stream and your love are very appreciated.
      Simon, David, Jen, Chris and Jill. x

  5. REPLY
    Ross Williamson says

    I was very lucky to work with Arnis at the National Parks Service in the 1980s and early 1990s, and he was my boss for several of those years. Arnis was a tremendously kind and generous man, and he had a big influence on me. He was patient and gently guided his team, providing thoughtful and considered advice. Arnis made a significant contribution in the hugely successful expansion of Victoria’s system of national parks and conservation reserves. It’s a contribution that will live on.

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      Chris says

      Hi Ross,
      thank you for your lovely message and thoughts. We are all very proud of Dad’s achievements and the respect he has; made so clear by your and others memories/thoughts.
      Thank you,
      David, Jen, Simon, Chris and Jill.

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