123, landmark address

Casey Sim March 12, 2025

Date of Funeral

March 12, 2025

SIM - Casey
14.10.2002 - 25.02.2025
Cherished daughter of Jeff & Michelle.
Sister to Connor & Jack.
Much Loved Granddaughter
of Norma & Noel Sim,
Rowena Batchem (NZ) & Peter Batchem (NZ)

The Graveside Service for Casey Sim
will be held at Inverloch Cemetery, Bass Highway, Inverloch
on WEDNESDAY (March 12, 2025) commencing at 2:00pm

You’re welcome to wear a splash of  purple or green in memory of Casey.


  1. REPLY
    Maggie Gruen says

    Darling Casey May you be at peace now. You left this earth way too early. Sincere condolences to your grieving family and friends. Stars shine bright.

  2. REPLY
    L Rowe says

    Michelle, Jeff and family,

    Oury hearts breaks for you.
    Absolutely devastatied for your loss.

    The Rowe family

  3. REPLY
    Diane OConnor says

    So sorry for you all Jeffery it is devastating news. Don’t know what to say but thinking of you all. Give auntie Norma a hug for me. Xx

  4. REPLY
    Nicki says

    Michelle, Jeff, Connor and Jack.
    So very sorry. Sending much love to you all .
    Nicki, Sam.and Archie Robson xxxx

  5. REPLY
    Michelle says

    Michelle, Jeff and family,
    deepest sympathy to you and your family, our thoughts are with you at this time,
    Romari family xx

  6. REPLY
    Annette & Arthur Rigby says

    So sad to hear the devastating news. Love to all the family.
    Annette & Arthur Rigby xx

  7. REPLY
    Rowena Batchem says

    A few days ago, I received news nobody ever wants to hear. Michelle, my heartbroken daughter told me my beautiful, lovely granddaughter had passed away. I was, and still am, absolutely devastated. I loved Casey dearly and so enjoyed our talking nights. I will never forget you Casey – your special smile and your many kindnesses to me which I will treasure for the rest of my life. To my precious family in Australia, I know how you are hurting and I am feeling deeply sorrowful for you. May time eventually heal us all in a small way.
    Nana Ro

  8. REPLY
    Ngaire says

    Dear Michelle, Jeff, Connor and Jack
    So sorry to hear of the passing of Casey. Our condolences.

    “A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam, and for a brief moment it’s glory and beauty belong to our world, but then it flies again, and though we wish it could have stayed, we feel so lucky to have seen it” Author Unkown

    Sending caring wishes and deepest sympathy at this difficult time.

    Ngaire, Anthony and Angus ox

  9. REPLY
    Manuela Hancock says

    Our deepest condolences to the family in your unimaginable sorrow and pain.
    Casey you will be missed by so many people
    Rest in peace
    Jimmy Hancock and family

  10. REPLY
    Anne Marie says

    Dear Michelle, Jeff, Connor and Jack,

    We are deeply sorry for your loss. Our hearts ache for you during this time of unimaginable grief.
    May she rest in peace.

    The Duncan family xx

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