123, landmark address

Kate Mathews January 29, 2023

Date of Funeral

January 29, 2023

My beautiful darling Kate, you are at rest now love.  You were my world Kate, you cared and looked after me.
You organised things that you thought I would like to do,
but most of all you gave me your precious love.
Till we meet again my darling - your loving Mum.
I would like to thank the Palliative Nurses for their loving care.
You are all lovely people,
also Dr. Sonya Moncrieff.

You will be sadly missed
Rest in peace our darling Kate
Beautiful memories - Irein & Daniel

My dearest Kate
I will miss you Kate, you were the most caring & generous young lady.  I was so proud to be your step-father.
Your loving step-dad - Dennis.

My dearest Kato
I’m going to miss everything about you , thank you for always being there for me . I love you ❤️
I’ll always remember  - You & me
Your my Angel up in heaven
Now we are apart
You’ll always live inside of me
deep with in my heart . Forever your twin sister - Fone xxxx

To our beautiful Kate, You’ll always be forever in our hearts . We love you .
Your loving Dad and Jeano xx

To our beautiful Aunty Kato
We will never forget you and all the laughs and fun we shared .
Thanks for being just the way you are . We love you Kato ❤️
Always yours Eth and Heidi girl xxx

To my dearest little sister Kate, You were my baby doll the day you were born and always will be.  I will miss our laughter, our chats, your care and most of all your love. I love you Kate, you will be in my heart forever and I will miss you dearly. All my love Rell ❤

To our special Aunty Kate, We will never forget you and all the beautiful times we have all shared together. We loved you so much and you made us laugh, we will miss the fun memories we had with you. We love you Aunty Kate -Benny Boy & James ❤❤

To dear Kate,  As your brother-in-law of many years, I will miss our long chats together and our similar interests in life. You made me laugh with your sharp wit, you will always be in my heart Kate. Love always & forever Nino ❤

Kate, where are you
I am missing my cuddles
Your lovely pet dog - Ruby

As per Kate’s wishes a private cremation will be held.


  1. REPLY
    Sharon McFarlane says

    Dear Aunty Rhonda, Den, Bryan, Narelle and Fiona,

    I am so saddened to hear of Kate’s passing. I know no words can take away the pain you are all feeling at this sad time but know I am thinking of you all.

    Kate was a beautiful soul and I’m so glad we got to catch up and talk over her last few months. I will hold close in my heart the memories of her forever.

    Know she is now resting and in peace. May her star shine bright in heaven.

    “Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories”

    Love always,
    Sharon xx

  2. REPLY
    John McFarlane says

    Dear Sis,

    So sorry to hear of Kate’s passing. Our hearts grieve with yours in this tragic time.

    Know she is now resting peacefully and in no more pain and that I’m thinking of you all at this very sad time.

    She’ll always be remembered in our memories.

    Sending love, blessing, and prayers to all of you.

    Love always,
    John, Narelle, Darren, Sharon & Leonie xxx

  3. REPLY
    Sibren says

    Beloved Dear friend thinking of your quick wit fun times we had no regrets.REST IN PEACE your Dearest friend Sibren

  4. REPLY
    Sandra Bastin says

    To Rhonda and Kate’s family,
    I was saddened to hear of Kates’s passing. A beautiful kind soul has gone too soon. My thoughts are with you all.

  5. REPLY
    Matt height says

    It was only a short time ago I ran into you in warrsgul to find ourt about your illness, im shocked to hear of your passing you were such a bubbly lovely girl kate I’m pleased to have known you, I hope you are in a good place now , until we meet again, your mate matt

  6. REPLY
    Vicky Jeffries says

    Dear sweet Kate it was so lovely to meet you in Kmart. I’m so glad I got to give you a special gift which I pray gave you some comfort. I will always carry you with me. Xx rest sweet one.

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