123, landmark address

Lois Fidler August 30, 2021

Date of Funeral

August 30, 2021

Due to the current restrictions, Lois’ service will be by invitation only.

Lois’ service was live streamed on MONDAY (August 30, 2021).

To view Lois’ service, please click the link below:


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    Heather Walker ( Fidler) says

    Dear Uncle Joe and Micheal, Debbie and Leanne and families,
    So very sad to hear of the loss of Aunty Lois , what a beautiful person, alway a delight to visit, always hospitable and caring and alway dressed and presented like a movie star! ⭐️ Thinking of you and hoping you find comfort in treasured memories! Sending our ❤️ love , Royce , Heather, Amanda, Cori, Rebecca and families! X x x

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      Leanne says

      Thanks so much Heather. Oh mum was always dressed immaculately and would never leave the house without her lippy on. Lol. We have many wonderful memories.
      Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    Mollie Fidler says

    Dear Joe and Family,
    Thinking of you all at this sad time! Beautiful memories to cherish forever! Such a lady and always a good friend and family member! Remembered with love. Mollie Fidler

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    Marcia Kelly says

    Dear Uncle Joe, and my beautiful Cousins, Michael, Debbie, and Leanne (Annie), along with all your families. We all had many fun times together didn’t we, remember well, Aunty Lois making those yummy fairy cakes especially for us all as kids, no one every made them as good, they were the best, so was she, one very special Aunty indeed, always so kind and caring, so many memories attached. Please know we care about you all very deeply, grief is the hardest emotion we encounter, on one hand we miss those we love so much, yet we know for them it also brings closure, with no more prolonged pain & suffering, sleeping now in God’s memory, sending you all much heartfelt love. Aunty Lois, will always be in a very special and tender place in our hearts. From Marcia & Mark, Crystal, Melody & Bryan, Tiffany & Tilly x x

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    Helene Ooi says

    Dear Uncle Joe and family there is nothing I could say today that would take all the pain away from your hearts we just want you to know we’re thinking of you and your all in our prayers sending our warmest love hugs and kisses Helene and Michael Ooi and family

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    Luke Aland says

    One of the most memorable moments shared with nan were the late night games of canasta. Nan and I would always team up because she thought we were undefeated….even though I swear she purposely blocked out of her memory the times we did lose. Canasta was one of her favourite games that she soon turned into a family tradition. It’s a game that will forever remain in the family and will be passed down in generations to come. Something I look forward to teaching my son, Logan, and sharing the special memories I had with his great nan. I love you, nan, forever and always.

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    Jeannie Bishop says

    Much love to my dear Uncle Joe and all his family today as we remember Aunty Lois and say our goodbyes.Always a smile and those twinkling eyes from Aunty Lois would bring a smile to our faces. She will be missed that is for sure. xx

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    Lindy Jackson says

    Oh my darling Uncle Joe, Mick, Deb, Annie and all your families, thinking of you all at such a sad time. The service has just finished and it was beautiful, it was so wonderful to listen to all your stories about Aunty Lo, she was just one of those wonderful people that had a way of making everyone feel loved. And those sponge cakes, l was lucky enough last time we met that she saved me a piece of cake!! Take care of each other as l know you do and l hope you all can find some comfort in the memories Aunty Lo has given you. Love you all and hopefully we can all meet again soon.

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    Patrick Bustard says

    Dear Joe and Fidler family,
    Wish we could be with you today, but we will catch up sooner than later.
    We will miss Lois.
    Whenever we met, she would always brighten my day with her youthful outlook. I will always continue to draw inspiration from that.
    She was a wonderful great grandmother to Angus. He cherishes fond memories of sitting with her, both laughing at funny videos.
    Love Patrick & Angus.

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