123, landmark address

Neil Beddoe April 22, 2022

Date of Funeral

April 22, 2022

A Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life of
Mr. Neil Beddoe
will be held at St. John's Uniting Church,
Chapel Street, Cowes
on FRIDAY (April 22, 2022)
commencing at 11.30am.
Neil's service was live-streamed, click on the link below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2b3tgvriqckvoa/Neil%20Beddoe%27s%20Funeral.m4v?dl=0 OBITUARY


A Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life of Mr. Neil Beddoe
will be held at St. John’s Uniting Church, Chapel Street, Cowes
on FRIDAY (April 22, 2022) commencing at 11.30am. Australia/Melbourne

To watch Neil’s service, download the link below.


Neil Creighton BEDDOE

Neil Creighton Beddoe, 75, of Carrimar, Cowes, passed unexpectedly on 13 July 2021. With no signs of ill health, his passing has been a shock to family, friends and the broader community in which he served.

Neil was a dedicated and supportive husband for Lynne and companion for Penny, who both enriched his life.  Nigel and Sara will miss their dad (Fred), dearly, as will those who also considered him their brother, uncle, dad, papa, grandpa, friend, mentor or veranda coffee companion.  Many hats he did wear!

His engineering knowledge, skill and experience cumulated in positions with various Victorian local government offices, with private consulting and a number of volunteer positions representing the later part of his career – including the L2P driving program, with Neil’s students acquiring more than just the skills to obtain their driver’s licence – he also provided perspective on how to deal with the real world.

His 100% doing attitude, together with his love of family, friends, sailing, lawn mowing and cars, especially Peugeots, resulted in his involvement across a broad range of community activities throughout his lifetime, with lifelong friendships nurtured and held quietly, although closely to his giant and generous heart.

Neil’s family pass on their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your kind and generous words, thoughts and support at this sad and difficult time, whilst also acknowledging your feelings of sadness and emptiness, as we all grieve the loss of a great and influential man.

Due to Covid-19, the opportunity for us to all come together and celebrate the life of Neil has been postponed.  Details of this event will be made available via this website in due course.


  1. REPLY
    Chris Long says

    Our thoughts go out to Nigel and Sarah and their familes. A man of the highest calibre taken way too soon. Lots of love from the Long clan.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hi Chris, Sara and I and families thank-you for your support at this time.
      Always good to catch up just not best circumstances.

      • REPLY
        Devon Burrell says

        To Nigel, Sara and family, very sorry to hear the news. Thinking of you all at this time x

        • REPLY
          Sara Stephens says

          Dearest Devon
          Thank you for your kind words of love and support. These will carry us through this sad and difficult period, whilst also comforting us with the memories we take forward.
          Take care and stay safe
          Sara and Nigel xxoo

  2. REPLY
    David McAdam says

    Neil, so many will miss you. Your quiet work with so many made a difference more than you could imagine. Our adventures together, the laughs, the problems we solved and sometimes created, will never be forgotten.
    Even though you are gone, everywhere I look I see result of something you have done.

    • REPLY
      John Swarbrick says

      I have known Neil for over 50 years and we have been friends with so many common interests. My thoughts are with Nigel and Sarah at this time. Neil gave so much of his time helping others and will be missed by so many.

      • REPLY
        Nigel Beddoe says

        Evening John, thanks for your kind words, the introduction to sailing and racing against you and Allan many years ago was the inspiration for many enjoyable times on the water. Sara and I and families thank you for your support.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hey Dave, thanks for your words and support through this time.
      Your friendship and support to dad was greatly valued and the experiences shared enriched the lives of many.

  3. REPLY
    Noel and Debbie Burrell and family says

    To Nigel, Sarah and familys, our thoughts are with at this time. Memories are always kept close and remind us of the life Dad had and lead.
    Noel and Debbie Burrel and family.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Noel and Debbie, thank-you for your thoughts at this time.
      Many chapters shared by our families are closing.

    • REPLY
      Karen Bond says

      Nigel and Sarah,
      So shocked and saddened to hear of Neil’s passing. He was an amazing man and will be missed by so many. Our thoughts are with .

      • REPLY
        Nigel Beddoe says

        Hi Karen, Sara and I and our families thank you for sharing at this time. Nigel

  4. REPLY
    Malcolm McGinn says

    It was an honour to know you, although only for short time, you my a huge difference in my life. Thankyou

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Malcolm thank you for your kind words.

  5. REPLY
    Greg Park says

    Neil was a one of a kind gentleman, always had time for so many people, I was lucky enough to have regular conversation with him every week
    Condolences to his family, he will be missed greatly

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hey Parky, yes we will all miss him greatly.
      We appreciate your words of support.
      Sara, Nigel and families.

  6. REPLY
    Janet & Andrew Crocos says

    To Sarah, Nigel and families our thoughts are with you at this very sad time. We first met Neil when he was in the lead car on the postie bike ride. He was a gentleman who looked after us all in his own quiet manner, ensuring we were all travelling along well and sorting out problems. We have since kept in contact and enjoyed his company. He will be missed.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Janet & Andrew, a reluctant participant at the beginning of a great adventure however one that he was so proud to be involved in following the experience and the great friends he made during the journey.
      Sara and I and families, thank-you for your kind words and thoughts.

  7. REPLY
    Cherrie says

    You’re all in my thoughts xo

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Dear Cherrie, thanks for you kind words and shared thoughts. Sara, Nigel and families

  8. REPLY
    Fran & Jeff Myors says

    To Nigel, Sara and families, we are really sad for your loss and hope you find comfort and strength from these expressions of gratitude and admiration. Neil was a wonderful contributor and we have many fond memories and really enjoyed the ones the photos brought back. It was a real shock to learn of his passing and we know how much he’ll be missed in a multitude of ways. He certainly pulled his weight and gave so much to so many organisations. Love and best wishes from Fran and Jeff Myors.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hello Fran & Jeff, we thank you for your kind words and the friendship you have provided for many years. Hopefully his memories and actions can be inspiration for others. Nigel , Sara and families..

  9. REPLY
    Alan Ryan says

    Neil, I will miss our gentlemen’s lunches. It was an honour to know you.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hello Alan,
      I know of many who will miss lunches and coffees with dad.
      Thank you for your shared memories.
      Nigel, Sara and families

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dear Alan
      Many thanks for your acknowledgement of the times you enjoyed with dad and the positive impact he had on your life.
      A sad and difficult time for us all.
      Take care and stay safe.
      Sara, Nigel and the extended Beddoe family xxoo

  10. REPLY
    Narelle Telford says

    To Sarah & Nigel, thinking of you at this sad time. Your Dad will always be remembered for all the best reasons.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Evening Narelle, thank-you for sharing your thoughts and memories. Sara, Nigel and families.

  11. REPLY
    Annette Mason says

    Nigel, Sarah and Marg and family my thoughts are with you all – Neil will be missed by many

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dear Annette
      Thank you for your kind and generous thoughts.
      We are all working through our sadness and feelings of loss following dad,’s passing – your support provides much comfort.
      Take care and stay safe
      Sara, Marg, Nigel, Celia and families

  12. REPLY
    Bill & Carole Vaughan says

    To Sara and Nigel and families, our thoughts are with you. I really enjoyed Neil’s friendship over the last 20 years. I was fortunate to stay with Neil during Historic meetings at the Island and enjoyed his company and sense of humour on many occasions. We also shared some holidays together and will treasure those memories as well. Farewell good friend. We will miss you.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Bill & Carole thanks for sharing your memories, sense of humour ?? But he did very much enjoy visiting the track when you were in town and the company at the house. Thanks again Nigel, Sara and families

  13. REPLY
    Garry and Louise Hosie says

    A fine gentleman taken too soon. Our thoughts are with the family.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Garry & Louise, invitations and times spent at Mordi Sailing club were always enjoyed by Dad. Thank you for your thoughts and sharing at this time. Nigel, Sara and families.

  14. REPLY
    Tara Burrell says

    Nigel and Sarah, a beautiful photo display of memories of his travel, love of cars and family. Lots of love Tara, Alan, Dylan and Jake.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      TB, yes he managed to fit a few things in in his life. Thanks for taking the time to share his memories. Nigel, Sara and families.

  15. REPLY
    Karen Spreadborough says

    Sending lots of love to you Sarah & Nigel, and your families. The photos are lovely.

    Grateful to know you, and to be inspired by your intellect, helpfulness, kindness and passion. Love you and miss you Uncle Neil. Schnooks x

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Karen
      Your kind and generous support at this time of our family unit is greatly appreciated – we also send our love to you, and of course the extended Spreadborough family, for the loss of your Uncle Neil.
      A man often of few words – until you got him talking!
      Take care and all our love, always.
      Sara, Nigel, Bek, Allan, Abigail and Jemima.

  16. REPLY
    Cheryl & Peter Tsylor says

    Sincere condolences to Nigel & Sarah and families. We have known Neil through sailing connections and consider him to be a true gentleman who will be greatly missed. Wishing Neil fair winds into the sunset-

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Cheryl & Peter, thank you for your messages of support and shared memories. He always enjoyed returning to Mordi SC for special events and catch ups with the crew there. Thanks again Nigel, Sara and families.

  17. REPLY
    Katie Holroyd says

    Dear Sara, Nigel & Families, my thoughts are with you and remembering your father over the many years out on the water. Always willing to offer a hand & advice 🙂 – I will miss him greatly. Western port challenges will never be the same without him.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Hello Katie, thanks for the thoughts and memories of dad. Yes the Westernport Challenge and Round French Island efforts were always remarkable. Nigel, Sara and families.

  18. REPLY
    Richard and Kay Marken says

    To Nigel and Sarah and families, deepest condolences for the sudden loss of your father. Neil and I shared a love of Peugeot cabriolets and a shared interest in many of the other interests in his life. Our last contact was by phone on Sunday night after the Victorian club Bastille luncheon when Neil rang me to tell me about his latest acquisition, the 404 cabriolet, and to offer me some shed space for my latest acquisition until I could get down to Victoria to pick it up.
    He was a dear friend who will be missed by many.
    Richard and Kay Marken, Brisbane, QLD

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Richard and Kay, many thanks for your shared memories of dad, the knowledge you shared and guidance given in furthering your mutual projects. The shed is full of many of his beloved Peugeots including the 404 Cabriolet that he drove only a handful of times. Cheers Nigel, Sara and families.

  19. REPLY
    Kasey Burrell says

    Nigel and Sara (and families) thinking of you all at this sad time. The end of an era but the memories will always remain xxx

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Kasey
      Many thanks for your kind message on the passing of dad. A sad and difficult time for us, and the broader community for which dad served. The many memories we have of times spent together with the Burrell family will be held close.
      Sara, Nigel and the extended Beddoe family xxoo

  20. REPLY
    Peter & Cheryl Taylor says

    So shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Neil. Deepest condolences to Nigel, Sarah and families. Neil is remembered as a true gentleman and a great sea-man who was always willing to help in anyway. RIP Neil Beddie.

  21. REPLY
    Bruce Jackson says

    Dear Sarah and Nigel and families
    Our thoughts are with you.We value the many years of family friendship and times spent together at the Yacht Club. Neil was a man of character and commitment who will be greatly missed.
    With fondest regards from the Jackson Family
    Bruce,Jane, Cameron,Simon,and Sally.

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Bruce, Jane, Cameron, Simon and Sally
      Thank you for your kind thoughts at this sad and difficult time.
      Your family’s time, love and support of our family over many, many years, including those spent at Cowes Yacht Club, are held dear to our hearts and will never be forgotten. Your kindness and generosity are second to none.
      Dad held you all in the highest regard and we are eternally grateful for your ongoing friendship with him.
      Nigel, Sara and the extended Beddoe family xxoo

  22. REPLY
    Ian and Fay Samuel says

    Dear Sara, Nigel and your families
    Our sincere condolences on your loss.
    You can be very proud of your fathers devoted and outstanding support to family, friends, clubs and community.
    His contribution in so many ways will never be forgotten.
    Neil will be sadly missed.

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Ian and Fay
      Thank you for your kind words on dad’s passing.
      Dad’s commitment to so many worthy causes over so many years, and being so considerate of others, is something we are immensely proud of and hold dear to our hearts .
      We are so extremely fortunate to have been exposed to both dad’s, and mum’s, kind and generous natures. We have some rather large shoes to fill!!
      Nigel, Sara and the extended Beddoe family xxoo

  23. REPLY
    Carl cubitt says

    To Nigel, Sarah and families, sincere condolences to you.
    So many memories of Neil at the club; always getting things done from driving the rescue boat to clearing the relentless sand off the ramp with the tractor. And how can I not forget the Mirror16 and the Peugeot’s! Thank-you Neil for all your devotion and commitment at the yacht club.
    Nigel and Sarah, my thoughts are with you.

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Morning Carl,
      Thanks for sharing your memories of dad and those that have stayed with you throughout the ages.
      Hopefully his love of sailing and willingness to help will be remembered and inspire others.
      Nigel, Sara and families.

  24. REPLY
    Sara Stephens says

    Dearest Devon
    Thank you for your kind words of love and support. These will carry us through this sad and difficult period, whilst also comforting us with the memories we take forward.
    Take care and stay safe
    Sara and Nigel xxoo

  25. REPLY
    Jenny Carr says

    To Nigel, Sara and families, So sorry and totally shocked to hear of Neil’s passing. We have fond memories of Neil dating back to the 70s at Cowes Yacht Club. Neil was a real gentleman and always seemed to have time for everyone. We thought it was lovely that Neil dropped in from time to time at Mum’s place to say hello and check that she was okay.
    Our thoughts are with you during this time
    Kind regards from the Carr family

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Jenny
      We sincerely thank you for your acknowledgement of dad’s engagement with the Carr family over so many years at the Cowes Yacht Club, together with the company and support he provided to your mum more recently.
      Dad held your family in the highest regard, to the point your dad was given the responsibility of sailing with Nigel for many years.
      We appreciate your kind thoughts at this sad and difficult time.
      Our warmest regards to the extended Carr family.
      Sara, Nigel and the broader Beddoe family xxoo

  26. REPLY
    Noel Mc Nicol says

    To Nigel, Sara and family, sorry to hear of Neil’s untimely passing. He was a true gentleman with a wealth of knowledge, that he was always willing to pass on. Always willing to help out whenever needed. He would jump in when he saw a need for a job to be done, without waiting to be asked. A great man , that will be sorely missed. Fond memories – RIP Neil. Fond regards Noel McNicol

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Morning Noel,
      Thank-you for taking the time to share your memories and experiences with dad.
      Yes, always willing to help and get stuck into things, whatever that may be.
      Many hours we all spent on various waters around the state allowing others to further develop their skills in sailing and powerboat handling.
      Hope to see you on the water again soon.
      Nigel, Sara and families.

  27. REPLY
    Mick Ralph says

    Nige and Sarah, My deepest sympathy on the loss of your Dad. He was a genuinely good guy and I am the better for knowing him. Memories are flooding back. And they are all fantastic! Stay safe in these strange times.

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dear Mick
      Our sincere thanks for your acknowledgement of the fantastic memories you have of times spent with Neil, or dad, as he was to us.
      Let’s hope the betterment he has provided us all can be carried on and provide a positive impact for many generations to come.
      Your kind and generous support is greatly appreciated.
      Take care and stay safe.
      Sara, Nigel and the extended Neil Beddoe family xxoo

  28. REPLY
    Brian Ward says

    Neil was a stalwart of the Peugeot Car Club, a quiet achiever involved in the smooth running of the Club. An amiable travelling companion, we will miss our chats with him on Club outings and also on the phone. He was always willing to help out with anything from fixing cars to installing water tanks and supporting his many friends. A true gentleman and friend, sadly missed.
    Sincere condolences to Nigel, Sara and families.
    Brian and Merrilyn Ward

    • REPLY
      Nigel Beddoe says

      Good morning Brian,
      The PCCV gave dad many things, great friends and shared experiences and the ability to keep his active mind planning and making things better and easier for those of us who will get to see the benefits in years to come.
      Thank-you for sharing your travelling and interactions with him.
      See you on the road, enjoy your drives in the MI as he always did 🙂
      Nigel, Sara and families.

  29. REPLY
    Stuart Dinn and Dinn family (Graeme, Ann, Andrea and Rohan) says

    Dear Nigel, Sarah and families
    So saddened to hear of Neil’s sudden passing. The fond memories of Neil and good times at Cowes yacht club will always stay with us. Our sincerest condolences to you and your families at this time. RIP Neil

  30. REPLY
    Nigel Beddoe says

    Hello Stuart,
    Yes, when we revisit the memories of our earlier years and the times our families spent together there were great memories of times at the Yacht club and those never ending casual get togethers where we shared great food and company.
    Thanks for your thoughts and shared memories.
    Nigel, Sara and families

  31. REPLY
    Val Ginson says

    To Nigel and Sara and families, our sincere condolences., Neil had been very influential in both of our lives with PCCV. He will be greatly missed. Neil was President when we organised the Merimbula Pageant in 2017 and was a great support in everything we did for PCCV. Murray Knight and Val Ginson

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dearest Val and Murray
      Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and message of support.
      Dad mentioned the trips you enjoyed together on many occasions – you too were both positive influences on his life, of which we will be eternally grateful for.
      His energy and generous soul has left a space in many hearts – with those of us remaining to carry these forward to ensure others are supported on their journey…however it takes shape.
      Take care and stay safe
      Sara, Nigel and the extended Beddoe family xxoo

  32. REPLY
    Lyn Blom says

    I am deeply shocked to learn of his passing. His help on the passing of my husband was invaluable and freely offered. My sincere and heartfelt condolences to his family, this is a terrible loss of one of nature’s true gentlemen.

    • REPLY
      Sara Stephens says

      Dear Lyn
      Thank you for your lovely message of condolence following dad’s sudden and unexpected passing.
      We too continue to work through the shock, sadness and heart break of losing such a generous and kind gentleman – he was definitely a quiet supporter and achiever – as continues to be found.
      Take care and stay safe
      Sara, Nigel and the very extended Neil Beddoe family xxoo

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