What we require at time of need:
The things to consider when arranging a funeral are: whether you would like the service to be held in a church, chapel or other venues of your choice, burial or cremation, religious service with a minister, non religious with Celebrant or a memorial service, music and hymns, notices for newspapers and whether you want them to be placed in the Melbourne Papers and local papers and if you would like refreshments following the service of your choice.
We also register the death with Births, Death and Marriages within 2 days of the burial or cremation. Once the death has been register the certificate will be issued to the informant usually within 4 weeks. But in the case of the death been reported to the coroners, you may not receive the death certificate for anything up to 10 weeks, sometimes longer. You can purchase an interim death certificate from Births, deaths and marriages if need be.
Handley and Anderson Funeral Directors ensure peace of mind for you and your family with Pre-Paid and Pre-Arranged Funerals. By Pre-Paying you can ensure that the cost of the funeral service is fixed forever at today’s prices. Our Pre-Paid funerals are protected by Government Legislation, so your funds are totally secure. Our Pre-Paid funds are managed by Funeral Plan Management. Please check out Funeral Plan Management’s web site for more information. www.fpmanagement.com.au
Cancellation of a Funeral Bond can only occur during the cooling off period and fees will apply. Monies invested in a Funeral Bond cannot be withdrawn prior to death. Under the Current legislation, your contributions to a Funeral Plan Pre-Paid, regardless of the amount, are designed to be exempt from both the assets test and deeming provisions of the income test for individuals in receipt of the Age of Service Pension or any other means tested government benefit.

Pre-Arranged funerals are where you arrange your funeral in advance. No money is exchanged, but be aware that costs will rise over time. Discussing your options with us to Pre-Arrange your funeral allows for you to have the exact service that you would like, down to the music you would like to be played, floral tribute on your coffin and the list goes on. Pre-Arranging your funeral in advance ensures that you get the exact funeral you want and saves your loved ones the stress when they are grieving.